Woo hoo! Yesterday (April 5) 102 units of blood were collected by Turkey Valley students, staff and community members. Those units of blood will be life-saving for up to 408 recipients. 22 students offered to donate and 8 donated for the first time.
The drive would not have been possible without the help of students making phone
calls, hanging posters, making kolaches, putting up bulletin boards, working at the drive,
and cleaning up. It also could not be done without the help of TV custodians: Joe, Bonnie, Brad and Tristan. As always, they worked with students to get the area set up and to clean any of
our mishaps throughout the event.
We thank community members, Becky Neuzil, Sharla Fencl and Betty Hadacek forcoming to school and returning us to our tradition of baking kolaches for the drive. OnTuesday Becky prepared dough for 300 kolaches, and on Wednesday they patiently worked with students all morning in order to provide delicious kolaches to the community.
Thanks to community members who showed up to donate. Your support helps those in
need of blood, and it also supports scholarships for Turkey Valley seniors. They work
hard because you care.
Finally, thanks to the Turkey Valley Education Association for organizing and funding
the Red Cross Blood Drive. Not only does this drive bring the community together, but
it earns scholarship money for some very deserving seniors.