Turkey Valley Set to Present "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon"
The Turkey Valley Drama department is set to present, "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon" March 28th & 29th.
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are turned on their heads in this fast-paced, rollicking ride as two narrators and several actors attempt to combine all 209 stories ranging from classics like Snow White, Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel to more bizarre, obscure stories like The Devil's Grandmother and The Girl Without Hands. Buckle up for a night of fun, mayhem and a little bit of audience participation.
Join us March 28th & 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Turkey Valley Multipurpose Room. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $6 at the door with children PK and younger admitted for free. #TVPride

Trojan Events for March 28 and March 29: Robotics team will compete in competition battles in Cedar Falls. If you are interested in watching the livestream, use this link for our match schedule and to watch our competition: https://www.thebluealliance.com/event/2025iacf
Look for Team 8821 in the match schedule. The team will be in the blue alliance for Qualification Match #2 estimating to start around 9:15 a.m. Good luck! #TVPride

This week our elementary had their Jump Rope for Heart kickoff. This year there are many incentives for our students to raise money for the American Heart Association. They will wrap up on April 22. Good luck students! #TVPride

Trojan Events for March 27: K-6 Dakota Assembly - Brent Allen’s Magic and Mayhem and Robotics team will compete in practice battles in Cedar Falls. Good luck! #TVPride

Trojan Pride! Love that this gala auction item is displayed at school!

Ms. Koch's and Mrs. Carlton's friends had some special visitors to talk about World Down Syndrome Day! Kayla Brown and her son, Arlo, came to Turkey Valley Preschool to talk about World Syndrome Day and inclusion. We loved hearing more about Arlo and talking about inclusion! Thank you so much Kayla and Arlo for coming to Turkey Valley! #TVPride

Trojan Events for March 26: Reminder we are dismissing early today. #TVPride

If you could invent a new product, what problem would you try to solve? Mrs. Vsetecka's 4th grade students made their own creations and presented them to the 3rd grade students and a few staff members. Great job 4th graders - very creative and innovative! #TVPride

Our schoolwide Rock, Paper, Scissors competition was completed today with Miss Jenna winning over other staff and student finalists! It was great to see our special guests, Mr. and Mrs. Reicks, and reigning staff winner (Mrs. Reicks) attend this year's competition.

Bus Drivers Wanted

TV took eight 7th and 8th graders to MathCounts competition at Hawkeye Community College. Students competed individually and in teams of 4. Overall, our students represented TV well! #TVPride

Come out to Turkey Valley’s Multipurpose Room next Friday and Saturday night for a fun filled evening of fairy tales! Doors open at 6:30. Cost is $6 at the door. PK and under are free! #TVPride

Our 1st-4th grade students attended "Hanging with the Giants" at Luther College! Students got to see the band Jazz Reach perform as well as learn about historical jazz musicians. While on campus, Mr. Gisleson took students on a quick tour of the music department. Thank you to the Depot for funding this experience for our students! #TVPride

Trojan Events for March 21: Good luck to our robotics team - TVRT - Trojanbots Team 8821 - as they compete today! Pop over to our Facebook page for additional updates today and tomorrow. #TVPride

Good luck today, Friday, and Saturday to our robotics team as they compete in LaCrosse! #TVPride

Information Regarding the Co-Ed Indoor Conference Track Meet:
Meet will be held at Luther College with Field and Running events starting at 4 p.m. There is construction taking place around their facilities so you must enter at the North Gym Entrance. Admission for spectators is $6/person at the door.
Apologies if it's not showing up on the school's schedule page. Another tool to access team's schedules is Bound (linked below). Starting the 25/26 school year Bound will be the main spot for team's schedules for Turkey Valley moving forward. Bound has an app that can be downloaded and accessed as well.

For their IBN (Iowa Big North) class initiative, Colton, Ty, JD, and Landon are going from town to town in our school district cleaning fire trucks. Thanks for giving back to our community! #TVPride

I am not sure which group of students enjoys tractor day more: the high schoolers or the elementary students....Ms. Koch’s Preschool class took a trip to see the tractors!!! Lots of groups took a little time to admire all the tractors. #TVPride

Early Dismissal 3/19 at 1:00 PM

Each year Mrs. Hageman and her 8th grade students spend a day making treats for Valentines Day. We are thankful each year that the Turkey Valley Education Foundation funds this project. The students spend a few days planning what to make, how much to make, create an ingredient list, and finally make their delicious treats. Thank you TVEF! #TVPride