Trojan Events for March 14: Spring Fling '24 Dance in the Multi, grades 9-12, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Have fun dancing the night away! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
spring fling dance
Turkey Valley currently has the following coaching openings. If interested please contact Anthony Troyna. Email:
10 months ago, Anthony Troyna
23/24 Coaching Openings
Welcome Mr. Baker and thank you to Mr. Reicks for hosting a second student teacher this year! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
student teacher
Parent-Teacher conference week - we hope to see all our families this week! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
Reminder for the UIC Indoor Track Meet scheduled for this Friday, March 15th at Luther admission will be $6 per person.
10 months ago, Anthony Troyna
Congrats! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
state individual speech
A HUGE Thank You to Mrs. Hageman and her 8th grade English students for helping the 3rd graders prepare for their Student-Led Parent Teacher Conferences!!! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
3rd & 8th grade
3rd & 8th grade
3rd & 8th grade
3rd & 8th grade
3rd & 8th grade
Good luck to our FFA members that are attending the NE District Contest FFA @ Waukon today! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
Trojan Events for March 9: Individual State Speech @ Hampton-Dumont. Performance times: Bella- Poetry @ 8:48 am, Megan - Musical Theatre @ 9:44 am, Kinek - Acting @ 10:50 am, Russell - Original Oratory @ 12:40 pm , & Russell - Spontaneous Speaking @ 3:00 pm. Good luck! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
state individual speech
March is busy! Take a look at the following important school dates:
10 months ago, Michelle Hoy
important dates
We had another successful Wellness Day this week. Mr. Reicks led the students in a few TV cheers after their morning walk and classes enjoyed different activities in the gym in the afternoon. Thank you to Mr. Reicks and all elementary staff for making it a great day! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
We had another successful Wellness Day this week. Our elementary students took advantage of having the building to themselves and walked the halls in the morning. Thank you to Mr. Reicks and all elementary staff for making it a great day! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
wellness day
Mrs. Scheidel's freshman used whiteboard markers and chalk markers to practice balancing chemical equations in preparation for their test tomorrow. Great teamwork! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
science class
science class
science class
science class
Fourth grade students Peyton Reicks and Reid Steinlage participated in Keystone AEA's Science & Engineering Fair at the NICC Calmar Campus. Their day was filled with explaining their inventions to judges and other participants, touring the campus, and looking at potential careers. Their day ended with a first place finish for Peyton's Fresh Mittz and a third place finish for Reid's Berry Picker! Congratulations! #TVPride❤️
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
Mrs. Rausch's 3rd graders studied Norse Mythology and Viking Exploration through our Amplify Curriculum. Here are the shields and longships they designed! They even went on a Viking Quest and sailed the Atlantic as Norse Explorers. Keep learning 3rd grade! #TVPride
10 months ago, Jessica Pullman
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
Shout out to our bus drivers for their dedication to the students and families by getting the kids to and from school every day. They are truly a vital part of our daily school operations. Thank you!
10 months ago, Michelle Hoy
Thanks to Mr. Reicks, the elementary held a Wellness Day, starting with a color walk and had a few cheers with grade level activities planned for the afternoon. Trojan Proud!
11 months ago, Michelle Hoy
wellness day
Our wellness day at Wartburg is off to a great start! #TVPride
11 months ago, Jessica Pullman
freshman girls
Norse Explorers Sailing from Iceland to Scandinavia -Mrs. Rausch's 3rd graders studied Norse Mythology and Viking Exploration through our Amplify Curriculum. Here are the character descriptions they wrote to go along with the myth God's, Giants, and Dwarves. They, also, studied how Leif Erikson founded America and called it Vinland in the year 1000 CE. They went on a Viking Quest and sailed the Atlantic as Norse Explorers looking for new resources to bring home to Scandinavia. Keep learning 3rd grade! #TVPride
11 months ago, Jessica Pullman
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
Upcoming Performance March 22 and 23rd @ 7:00 p.m. #TVPride
11 months ago, Jessica Pullman