Trojan Events for February 7: JV/V Boys Only vs.Kee High at Lansing at 6:15 p.m. and 7th and 8th Boys Basketball vs. MFL MarMac @ Home at 4:15 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Thank you to our School Counselor, Amanda Lawless, for all she does for our students!
Trojan Events for February 6: JV & Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Wapsie Valley @ Wapsie Valley @ 6:15 p.m. and 7th and 8th Boys Basketball vs. West Central at Home at 4:15 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Good luck to our Large group Musical Theatre group. They will be performing at 4:25 p.m. in State Large Group Speech contest at Waterloo West on Saturday, February 4th. Good luck to Savannah, Megan, Jacqlyn, Bre, Olivia, and Aubrey! #TVPride
Congratulations to Bode, Annika, Haylee, Brayden, and Hunter! They will participate in the Meistersinger Honor Band at Wartburg College on Sunday, February 5th. #TVPride
Trojan Events for February 3: Girls HS State Wrestling @ Coralville Xtream Arena,
7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball vs Central Elkader @ Home, 4:15 p.m.
JV/Varsity Girls & Boys Basketball @ Postville HS, 4:00 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Trojan Events for February 2: Good luck to Keira at Girls HS State Wrestling @ Coralville Xtream Arena, 9:00 a.m.!!! JV Boys,Varsity Girls & Boys (NO JV Girls) Basketball vs Clayton Ridge @ Home, 4:15 p.m. Varsity will start right after (plan accordingly). Good luck! #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 31: JV/Varsity Girls & Boys Basketball vs Central Elkader @ Home, 4:00 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 30: 7th & 8th Girls Wrestling @ Decorah, 4:15 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Today's JV/V Girls & Boys Basketball is postponed to February 2nd at home starting at 4:15 p.m. Stay safe Trojans! #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 28: High School Boys Wrestling Conference Tournament @ Waukon HS, 10:00 a.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Onto State! Congratulations, Keira, on your State Qualifier status!
After Regionals today, Keira placed 4th at 140, which qualifies her for the state tournament February 2-3 in Coralville.
So proud to have Turkey Valley represented!
Trojan Events for January 27: High School Girls Wrestling Regionals @ Luther College. Good luck Keira! #TVPride
NHTV Girls' Wrestling Regional Coverage
Trojan Events for January 26: JV Boys Wrestling Conference Tournament @ Waverly-Shell Rock High School; 5:00 p.m. Good luck! #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 24: 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball vs Kee High @ Lansing, 4:15 p.m. and JV/Varsity Girls & Boys Basketball vs West Central @ Home, 4:00 p.m. with Senior Recognition/Parent’s Night between varsity games. Good luck Trojans!
Saturday was an amazing day of speech at Turkey Valley! Today we had 2x+ of our school population in our building. Our students, parents, staff, community members, and family members deserve a giant round of applause. Congratulations to our musical theatre group on earning a Division I rating and moving on to state on February 4th. A congratulations also goes out to my Readers Theatre and Ensemble Acting groups on their Division II ratings. #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 23: 7th & 8th Grade Basketball vs Clayton Ridge @ Home, 4:15 p.m., 7th & 8th Grade Girls Wrestling @ Mason City HS, 4:30 p.m., JV/Varsity Boys Basketball vs Crestwood @ Cresco HS, 6:15 p.m., AND JV/Varsity Girls Basketball vs Crestwood @ Home, 6:30 p.m. Busy day for our Trojans! Good luck! #TVPride
Additional Trojan events for January 20: 7th & 8th Grade Girls Wrestling @ Riceville HS, 4:30 p.m. This is a rescheduled event from yesterday. Good luck! #TVPride
Trojan Events for January 20: JV/Varsity Girls & Boys Basketball vs MFL Mar-Mac @ Monona, 4:00 p.m. Good luck! Games will be live streamed via NFHS. Use links below: JV Girls-, JV Boys-, Varsity Girls-, and Varsity Boys- #TVPride